Wednesday, February 2, 2011

mark 7

Hey so, this week we're on to Mark 7... can't wait to get into it with you all.  I know on this end, the Lord is doing so much in my heart with all of this!  stirring things up in me** in a good way :)


  1. Verses 6-13 are what hit me. "Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men". The action happening here is the hand washing issue, but the example Jesus gives is basically: people can't give their money to help the poor (here their Father and Mother) because the tradition of men said to give it to "God", which meant to the synagogue. I never really understood that section until now.

    I also try not to get too political too fast as I know everyone has different opinions, but when Steve and I challenge people to give us scripture to support their nationalistic political views, they can't come up with anything. We cannot filter the commands of God through the traditions of men, no matter how close to home/the American way that hits. Rather, we need to judge EVERYTHING by the commands of excuses.

    I think this is another key to unlocking the power of the Kingdom of God that Jesus is getting at. We can't hold to the traditions of men and expect to experience the power of God, unless we are obeying His commands.

  2. Oh mannn I was so confused by these verses! After looking into it I was happy to get some clarity. In verse 24 and on since Jesus went to Tyre(out of Israel into "unclean" Gentile territory, that is unclean by human traditions). From what it looks like Jesus may be referring to this women as a "dog" as Jews common referred to Gentiles as. But the Greek of the word "dog" here is kynarion meaning "little dog" as to take the sting out of the insult. She seems to be agreeing, ok fine I'm a dog and but even dogs get crumbs, please heal my daughter. She took faith the Jesus could heal her daughter and coupled it with humility and her request was granted. Faith as we see in Heb 11.
    He mocks proud mockers but gives grace to the humble. Proverbs 3:34

  3. Bingo! So good... you have answered wisely

  4. He was also testing her faith and showing that His Kingdom was bringing a new way. Jews did not associate with gentiles, and did consider them literal dogs. So He was just saying what everyone else did, and it didn't surprise her. So she was humbly acknowledging that she was not worthy, but she had faith in who He was, that He was able. Then He turned around and made an example of the faith of a gentile...that His Kingdom had room for them.
