Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mark 8

Hey, its mark 8 this week...

Let's get hold of this truth and ask the Lord to work it out through our lives and into the world!

Quote of the week:

Seriously, what's more important... feeling good about our church because our pastor is such a great teacher, or seeing the truth of the Word of God become real in our everyday lives and impact the world through each of us?  Seems obvious to me!..

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

coming soon!

As i see it, here is a list of stuff coming up to think about... this is just off the top, so if i forget anything, remind me :)

-monday, february 7th  Guys Night Hike (don't be jealous ladies!)
-saturday, february 12th  Community garage sale at the Cumming's... for FHAfrica... bring stuff and come friday night to help organize!
-sunday, february 20th  Visiting the Garden Fellowship (Chad's playing)... lunch afterward? 
-I'm feeling like it's time the Lord would have us seek Him together in the evening again... would the 18th, 19th or 26th work for anyone?... "seek the Lord while He may be found"!
-Sat. March 19th  Family disc golf BBQ! yess! @ ironwood park 3pm
-hey we were asked to lead worship on easter Sunday at a friends church (the Salazar's) should we do it together?  They're meeting at Amistad High.

i know there's more going on than this, but i just wanted to throw some new things in there!  Let me know your thoughts on any of that stuff.  

mark 7

Hey so, this week we're on to Mark 7... can't wait to get into it with you all.  I know on this end, the Lord is doing so much in my heart with all of this!  stirring things up in me** in a good way :)