Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mark 10

So, its on to Mark 10 this week! And probably next also.

There is so much in this chapter... I don't even know what to do with myself.

"if you don't receive the kingdom as a little child, you will by no means enter it... sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven... how hard it is for a rich man to enter the kingdom... many of the first will be last, and the last first... the rulers of the gentiles lord it over them, let it not be so among you, whoever desires to become great, let him be the servant of all... go your way, faith has made you well."

-Jesus of Nazareth That is some crazy stuff, seriously, that's not normal. Are we called to that kind of life? And if we are, why do I never see it? Just saying.

Lord, speak to us about this life you've called us to.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mark 9

So, here we go... onto Mark 9!

I know things have been a bit crazy over the past few weeks, with visiting other churches, being sick, and being busy, but I for one am excited to get back into what the Lord has been doing with us in this community He's brought together! 

Leave your comments and input on what your learning about and what the Lord is doing with it.

Talk to you soon.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mark 8

Hey, its mark 8 this week...

Let's get hold of this truth and ask the Lord to work it out through our lives and into the world!

Quote of the week:

Seriously, what's more important... feeling good about our church because our pastor is such a great teacher, or seeing the truth of the Word of God become real in our everyday lives and impact the world through each of us?  Seems obvious to me!..

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

coming soon!

As i see it, here is a list of stuff coming up to think about... this is just off the top, so if i forget anything, remind me :)

-monday, february 7th  Guys Night Hike (don't be jealous ladies!)
-saturday, february 12th  Community garage sale at the Cumming's... for FHAfrica... bring stuff and come friday night to help organize!
-sunday, february 20th  Visiting the Garden Fellowship (Chad's playing)... lunch afterward? 
-I'm feeling like it's time the Lord would have us seek Him together in the evening again... would the 18th, 19th or 26th work for anyone?... "seek the Lord while He may be found"!
-Sat. March 19th  Family disc golf BBQ! yess! @ ironwood park 3pm
-hey we were asked to lead worship on easter Sunday at a friends church (the Salazar's) should we do it together?  They're meeting at Amistad High.

i know there's more going on than this, but i just wanted to throw some new things in there!  Let me know your thoughts on any of that stuff.  

mark 7

Hey so, this week we're on to Mark 7... can't wait to get into it with you all.  I know on this end, the Lord is doing so much in my heart with all of this!  stirring things up in me** in a good way :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Mark 6 (part 2)

Since we are working on Mark chapter six again, here are some of thoughts to ponder.

Jesus could do "no mighty work" in His hometown because of the peoples "unbelief".  We've been seeing that Jesus had all authority, but that, "in all things He had to be made like His brethren" (heb.2:18) to be our merciful and faithful High Priest. Jesus subjected Himself to the limitations as we are, but showed us what it looked like to be submitted to the Father and filled with the Holy Spirit. 

So, here's Jesus in an environment of unbelief, instead of faith, and because of that, He could do "no mighty work" because He was submitted to the Father.  And the Father sovereignty chooses to send His Spirit in environments of faith. 

Now this did not mean that Jesus was unable to exercise authority through the power of the Spirit, because He was obviously still believing.  That's why we see Him lay hands on some and heal them. The power/authority was still there, but I'd did not spill over into the environment around them and become a mighty work (like they had become accustomed to seeing... where everyone is healed... and the atmosphere is full of the power of God).   Like when touching the hem of His garment, or later when even the shadow of the apostles could heal those who believed.

But this time, the work could only come through direct contact with Jesus... instead of the Holy Spirit moving mightily on individuals because of an atmosphere of faith.

I speak like I know, but my words come from a deep longing to know...  to be a part of a people who live in an environment of faith, a people who "believe".  That's what we are anyway right?  Believers!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mark 5

Hey, let's get into Mark chapter 5 this week... if you have any closing thoughts on chapter 4 put them up on the Mark 4 post (b/c at the end of the book, i'll be printing all the posts and comments for everyone to have).

Peace! See you Sunday... or before.


Monday, January 3, 2011

A prayer

Please take us forward into Your kingdom, we want to see Your will unfold as we walk with You.

Help us to lay aside our desire for gain and comfort, and take up sacrifice as our new lifestyle... Your life in exchange for ours.

This what we truly want, even though our flesh says "no", we say "yes" to You. 

Lord move us!