Monday, December 6, 2010

Mark chapter 2

This week we'll be on Mark chapter 2.  There's some pretty interesting stuff in there, so enjoy going through it!  And don't forget to post your reaction/thoughts on it.  (i fixed the settings, so everyone should be able to comment now)




  1. New wine in new wine skins.

    Maybe the new wine is the spirit of God and Jesus was saying that the spirit of God could no longer be contained by the established religious systems of the day. Maybe the new wineskins are the places and people in whom the Son is most present, where God is most glorified. Jesus' disciples became the new wineskins for the message of Christ.

    And wasn't Jesus awesome in Mark 2? People were totally blown away by Him. He was teaching and healing and drawing all kinds of people to Himself.

  2. i love how Jesus wasn't afraid of sin... he didn't even seem offended by the sinfullness of blatently sinful people. He didn't need to be afraid of it or offended by it, because He had the solution for it, forgiveness! In fact, the people who were the messed up ones had something that those who had their acts together didn't have... need for a Savior, and a willingness to repent and follow.
    I love Jesus!
    I want to be a part of the New Wineskin, fill me with Your New Wine!

  3. Can't wait to see everybody this Sunday @ 10:30am!
