Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mark 3

Enjoy this one!

Let the discussion begin...


  1. So I found a couple of weird little things that were interesting.

    This is the third time (1:6, 2:13, 3:7) that Christ is out by the shore and I know He goes to the sea again

    Second is actually a question to any to would like to answer. Christ had told people a couple of times (1:44, 3:12 I believe there are more) not to tell anyone else of their healing by Him, yet they usually went out and did it anyway. What was the point of Christ telling them not to? Was it due to the fact that so many people continually were seeking Him? Trying to keep the concentrated volume of people down so to speak?

    3rd-v.17 James and John, the sons of Thunder. Found it cool that they had been given that name by Jesus. "Boanerges" which according to Strongs (993) was to denote a Firey and Destructive Zeal likened to a Thunderstorm. Its just always been an point of interest for me somehow. Reminds me of Psalm 69 (v9 particularly) also.

    The section from v 20 through 30 became really visual for me. Here you see Christ coming back into a home and a multitude once more following Him, begging for healing, begging for a piece of sanity to their own lives with Christ at this point in scripture becoming beside himself from the sheer volume of people, not being able to even have a meal. Then, when all of this is going on the Pharasee's have to stick their noses in and say that all of the good and miraculous things that happened are due to his power in "satan". Then Christ basically rips them a new one and throws the almighty sledge hammer down. You discredit the Spirit of which I'm doing this, you're kind of screwed. thats the Roxie International Version though. :)~

    The end of the chapter kind of hit a pang in my chest. Christ didn't necessarily denounce His earthly family, but when told his family was waiting for Him, Jesus pointed out that "anyone who does the will of God, he is MY brother and sister and mother." (v35)This is another time (although a different gospel) that Christ points out family as almost bonded closer by spirit than by blood.

  2. verse 14 has me asking a lot of questions. Look at why Jesus appointed the 12. 1) to be with Him 2)that He might send them to preach 3)and to have power...

  3. Since I have the NASB vs 15 says, "and to have authority to cast out demons".

    If you guys hadn't discussed it already when we were out of town, the big theme of Mark is the authority of Christ. My inductive study bible gave the idea to write in the column next to each instance, "authority" then draw a line under it and write what Christ had/has authority over, "to cast out demons/over the sabbath/the call disciples, etc".

    So here in vs 15 He literally transfers that authority already demonstrated by Him, to cast out demons, to His disciples. Wow.

    Rox, I heard before that when Jesus charged people not to tell others who He was, or that He healed them is because His "hour had not yet come". His fullness wouldn't be revealed until after His resurrection. But it still is strange, shouldn't they have shouted His praise everywhere? It's also a trip that the unclean spirits/demons knew who He was before even His disciples fully grasped it.

    I think for me personally what sticks out most from this chapter is what Jesus asked the pharisees in vs 4, "is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath, to save a life or to kill?". Then He demonstrated right after saying that by healing the man with the withered hand, that His kingdom is not laws and rules, it is life and healing and real people with real needs.
