Monday, November 29, 2010

Mark 1

Mark Chapter 1

I'm excited to see how this works out.  So, as you spend some time in Mark chapter 1 with the Lord and with your family/spouse/friend/fiancee/self, use the comments to share what's going on, so we as a community can keep connected with each over the week. 

If you need help figuring out how to comment or anything, let me know!


  1. It's interesting that "the gospel" began with preparation through repentance (verse 1, 2), then Jesus walked out the gospel (verse 15), and we are invited into that destiny as His followers (verses 16-20).

  2. Wow I forgot how straight and to the point Mark is. It was funny to me how the park about Jesus being tempted in the desert by satan was all of two sentences! I love how Mark mentioned that the angels attended to Jesus. It's sweet knowing that God can and does send angels to be with us :) I love that. In reading verse 14 I remembered that heard somewhere (probably a Guzik sermon) that we see John (Jesus' cousin) thrown in jail yet we see no record of Jesus busting Him out. Instead Jesus went to Galilee proclaiming the Gospel. THEN in verse 29 Jesus goes and heals Peter's mother in law. WHAT? Wait isn't JOHN STILL IN PRISON? I'm thankful to be reminded that God's ways are not our ways and what we think is best really isn't necessarily best. I'm so thankful that our God is sovereign and His will is perfect. Hope you are all having a good week. Looking forward to getting together w/ the ladies on Thursday and everyone on Sunday.

  3. I've been trying to read through this chapter for a while to get a good check on it-and its funny that parts still keep popping out as I read it over for the 5th time.

    Initially I found it weird that I never really thought about John the Baptist as anyone other than someone great because well, he was John the Baptist. Although in reality-he was not a notable man, no rabbi or pharisee, he was a homeless man who lived off of bugs, honey and wore animal fur for clothing. Definitely sounds sort of crazy-but the Lord specifically chose him to be "THE VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, 'MAKE READY THE WAY OF THE LORD, MAKE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT" (NASB v3) and that he had the honor of baptizing Christ Himself. God used this dude to fulfill a prophecy made by Isaiah hundreds of years earlier. The things he was saying were Truth, and people knew it. They flocked to him. The truth wasn't masked by his demeanor or outward appearance-it was irresistible.

    God can seriously can call us to absolutely crazy things. John the Baptist dove headlong into it without looking back.

    Jesus himself was also a dude who wasn't notable by appearance anyway, but the truth that He spoke (in hindsight we know the Savior of the world from His word here, but bear with me) and that He LIVED (like healing the man with leprosy at the end of the chapter for a brief and short ex) brought people to Him from everywhere even though He went to the unpopulated areas.

    There's been an ordeal between God and me about my heart and appearances over the last few months in my life and what Truth really means, what the Truth looks like. This is pretty great. If I'm posting wrong or kind of missing the mark, PLEASE tell me-totally wanna get on track with this. :)

  4. Roxie, you done good, you're right on track! I enjoy hearing your heart!
